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Stuffing Box Packing for Pumps and Armatures
Play By Your Own Rules
Special parameters require special seals. So-called stuffing box packings have been tried-and-tested for extremely high temperatures and chemical resistance in pump and valve applications. They offer an excellent sealing effect while maintaining constant elasticity. Stuffing box packings are firmly pressed into the installation space and remain elastic even with steady changes in temperature and pressure. Freudenberg Sealing Technologies packings have been proven to be flexible in other ways as well. For rapid repairs, rings can simply be cut from the roll and mounted. A long service life, high extrusion stability and dry-run capabilities round out the profile of these seals.
The ideal stuffing box packing for every kind of static or dynamic application – that is the goal of Freudenberg Sealing Technologies product developers. To meet this requirement, the company’s standard portfolio already includes a wide variety of different materials and designs.
Special Stuffing Box Packings for the Process Industry
Stuffing box packings are found in many applications in the chemical industry. In these cases, they are especially well suited for use in solvents and concentrated acids and alkaline media, or at very high temperatures. This special product line, including the PTFE-impregnated packing nonwoven Valtec, leaves nothing to be desired, even when it comes to FDA approvals for the food industry.
Our Products in Detail
Merkel® Alchem 6375
Merkel® Arochem S 6216
Merkel® Arolan II 6215
Merkel® Arostat 6204
Merkel® Carbosteam 6550 A
Merkel® G-Spezial 6560
Merkel® G-Spezial S 6565
Merkel® Grafiflex 6501
Merkel® Grafiflex Deckeldichtung
Merkel® Kombilon 6742
Merkel® Ramilon 4586
Merkel® Unichem 6313
Merkel® Uniflex 6588
Merkel® Unistat 6303
Merkel® Unival 6323
Merkel® G-Spezial S 6565

Merkel® Arochem S 6216
Special pump packing; especially suited to abrasive media and high shaft speeds.

Merkel® Arolan II 6215
Universal pump packing; especially suited to abrasive media and shaft runout.

Merkel® Arostat 6204
Wear-resistant universal packing for valves and static applications.

Merkel® Carbosteam 6550 A
Valve packing for high temperatures.

Merkel® G-Spezial 6560
Universal repair packing for high-temperature steam valves.

Merkel® G-Spezial S 6565
High-performance service packing for pumps and valve.

Merkel® Grafiflex 6501
Packing rings for high-temperature valves.

Merkel® Grafiflex Deckeldichtung
Packing rings for high-pressure application.

Merkel® Kombilon 6742
Ideal for pumps and mixers in the paper and chemical industry.

Merkel® Ramilon 4586
Packing with a very good price-value ratio – ideal for water pump applications.

Merkel® Unichem 6313
Universal pump packing for applications in the chemical industry.

Merkel® Uniflex 6588
The ideal packing for all pump applications.

Merkel® Unistat 6303
Ideal for regulating valves and plunger pumps.

Merkel® Unival 6323
Universal pump packing; specially suited to high shaft speeds and high temperatures.

Merkel® Univerdit 7000
Special high-density pump and valve packing.
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