ESSENTIAL – The Magazine
Would you like to learn more about smart sealing solutions for tricky jobs in nearly all sectors? Then order the “ESSENTIAL”, our magazine. The magazine is also available as an online version:

H2 – Hype or Hope? (02/2024)
In this edition of ESSENTIAL Magazine, we deal extensively with the topic of hydrogen. Simultaneously an energy carrier and an energy storage medium, it is in high demand in industry and for mobility. High-performance seals are required to produce, transport and use hydrogen. The kind of seals that we make at Freudenberg Sealing Technologies.

Artificial Intelligence (01/2024)
The latest edition of ESSENTIAL, our company magazine, covers artificial intelligence (AI). It is hard to imagine many areas of our economy and everyday life doing without it. And that has been true for some time. It is taking over simple, repetitive tasks. Yet its potential has not been exhausted. We present current examples of its use: What is AI taking over today – and what could it deliver in the future?

Southeast Asia (02/2023)
We devote this edition of our magazine ESSENTIAL to an exciting and economically up-and-coming global region: Southeast Asia, a hub for international trade. But how does a foreign company get a foothold there? We look at promising sectors and sustainable initiatives – from Singapore to Vietnam and all the way to the Philippines.

Energy of the Future (01/2023)
This edition of ESSENTIAL magazine deals with “green” and other innovative forms of energy. What opportunities do wind power, solar energy and geothermics offer? Why is green hydrogen so crucial? The world needs energy – let’s take a look at the energy of the future.

MATERIAL WORLD – From an Idea to a Material (02/2022)
In the latest edition of our magazine ESSENTIAL, we deal with one of humanity’s truly special inventions – the capacity to create materials. How are they developed and why is the ability to innovative their most important ingredient?

SUSTAINABILITY – One Step Ahead (01/2022)
In the latest edition of our magazine ESSENTIAL, we delve into sustainability and show that it involves more than just ecology. Sustainable practices maintain complex systems such as society, nature and the economy. We talk to experts about the ways companies can be innovative and sustainable and think holistically ¬– so they can stay one step ahead.

ROBOTICS – Human or Machine? (02/2021)
In the latest edition of our magazine ESSENTIAL, we take a look at robotics. As coworkers, vehicles and autonomous helpers, robots are conquering more and more industries and areas of life. But what are robots? What are their capabilities? Between intelligence and interaction, mechanics and emotions, we examine the opportunities and limits of robots.

(IN)FINITE - All Options Exhausted? (01/2021)
In the latest edition of our magazine ESSENTIAL, we deal with the issue of resource scarcity. What resources are increasingly in short supply, and what are the consequences? But there is something equally if not more important: What are the alternatives? Under the subheading “All Options Exhausted?” we mount our search, even exploring some special types of resources.

GLOBALIZATION. Where Are We Headed? (02/2020)
We deal with globalization in the latest edition of ESSENTIAL magazine. What has been the impact of the Corona pandemic? Will the wheel of globalization reverse direction? Or will it gain momentum?

AT LAST! Alternative Powertrains (01/2020)
The new edition of ESSENTIAL magazine is devoted to alternative powertrains. Never have the opportunities for a breakthrough been so promising – at long last.
Plastics – Burden and Breakthrough at once (02/2019)
The world of plastics is the theme of the current edition of ESSENTIAL magazine. It makes clear that plastics offer incredible opportunities even as they cause massive problems.
On the Trail of Ones and Zeros (01/2019)
In the new edition of ESSENTIAL magazine, we take a look at the prospects for digitalization and its effects . We turn our attention to China, Estonia, Denmark, Germany and the United States.
The Many Layers of Thirst (02/2018)
In the latest edition of our customer magazine ESSENTIAL, we explore the phenomenon of thirst: physical thirst, the thirst for knowledge and quite simply the thirst for more: We met with farmers, an endurance athlete and a master brewer. During these conversations, we became aware of thirst in all its variety and left with some fascinating insights. What we learned will surprise you.
Rethinking Is Uncomfortable but Unavoidable (01/2018)
In the latest edition of our customer magazine ESSENTIAL, the main theme is the notion of rethinking: Renewable energy, alternative powertrains and the handling of waste require breaking out of old patterns of thought. Where do we stand on these issues? What are the challenges? And what are the real-life solutions? It’s time to take a closer look.
Departing for New Shores on a Search for New Horizons (02/2017)
The new edition of ESSENTIAL is all about departing: Digitization, automation, new forms of powertrains – these topics for the future are no longer visionary. We have long found ourselves in the process of departure.
The New Edition of the Customer Magazine ESSENTIAL Is Packed With Dynamics (01/2017)
Dynamics – it sounds like force, movement and drive, even progress and innovation. That’s why the term is superbly suited to be the central theme of the current edition of ESSENTIAL.
In the Pull of the Cities (02/2016)
This time, the main focus is on the ongoing advance of urbanization, which goes hand in hand with the steady growth of the world's population and its many-faceted effects on transport, logistics and the distribution of food.
Around the World… the New ESSENTIAL (01/2016)
ESSENTIAL highlights international partnerships from Marco Polo to TTIP, describes South Korea’s transformation, and delivers exciting news from the world of seals.
Quality! Quality? The new ESSENTIAL (02/2015)
About the many facets of quality ,“hidden champions” and the future of conventional powertrain systems.
The latest edition of ESSENTIAL is “in” (01/2015)
How far are we along the path to the smart factory, to the digitization of classic manufacturing, to Industry 4.0? Are we already in the midst of the fourth Industrial Revolution? What obstacles must still be overcome? The latest edition of ESSENTIAL gets to the bottom of these questions.
ESSENTIAL Sheds Light on Energy as a Key Theme (02/2014)
Germany is known worldwide for its cars and autobahns, its beer and its pioneering role in the energy transition. Today, all of these issues – from mobility to climate change – are not just purely German. They are global in scope as well. And from this standpoint, they are discussed in the latest edition of the customer magazine ESSENTIAL.
The Latest Edition of ESSENTIAL (01/2014)
New edition of Freudenberg Sealing Technologies' customer magazine ESSENTIAL.
The Latest Edition of ESSENTIAL (02/2013)
New edition of Freudenberg Sealing Technologies' customer magazine ESSENTIAL.
Sealing Know-How Delivered Free to Your Door
Would you like to learn more about smart sealing solutions for tricky jobs in nearly all sectors? Then order your personal “ESSENTIAL”-Issue for free.
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