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Warehouses fill up on their own. Seals report their level of wear. Intruders enter homes through toasters. Digitalization is taking visions and transforming them into reality, with the results often surpassing the powers of the imagination. What is impossible today will be a feature of everyday life tomorrow. This is where abstract bits and bytes become concrete. With stunning examples, our articles demonstrate how networking and artificial intelligence are changing industry and society.

A round wooden building. Copyright: iStock/diegograndi

Artificial Intelligence and Research and Development

Correlation, not causality: How AI is changing our understanding of research and development.

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Essential magazine

Welcome to the AI Era

ChatGPT opened the door to artificial intelligence for the general public. What does the advent of AI mean for society and industry?

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Portrait of Dr. Matthias Sckuhr

“We benefit from working with AI”

CTO Dr. Matthias Sckuhr on improved processes, efficiency and the opportunities in material development due to artificial intelligence.

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Dossier Future Files

ESSENTIAL launched a loose sequence of short stories, each of which is set in its own fictional future. Some of them have recurring characters and settings, and some stand on their own. The goal is to play with very different visions as creatively as possible and bring the reader along on a thought experiment:

What form could our future take – and what would it mean to us?

Mockup of ESSENTIAL magazine issue May 2024

Our Magazine

Technologies and trends that impact our business.

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