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 High-pressure gasket.

A High-Pressure Gasket With an Innovative Design for PEM Electrolyzers

High-pressure gaskets keep liquid and gaseous media from escaping electrolyzers. Freudenberg Sealing Technologies has developed a gasket design that is already used in series production.

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Road in the australian outback and a yellow sign with a black kangaroo. Copyright: iStock/Totajla

Australia’s Hydrogen Transition

Australia wants to rely on green hydrogen. Its sunshine and winds offer the ideal conditions. Electrolyzer manufacturers, in particular, are in a race for innovative ideas.

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Rainbow-colored background on which water drops are depicted, leaving an area that results in the lettering H2.

Hydrogen Color Scale

Green, yellow or gray? What’s the story behind hydrogen’s color scale? And what does it have to do with its extraction?

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ESSENTIAL – the Magazine

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Mockup of ESSENTIAL magazine issue November 2024

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