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Reliable Sealing Solutions for Sustainable Energy Generation
Offshore wind power plants and turbines are getting bigger and bigger in order to achieve a higher energy yield and to become more and more economical for the operators. But these enormous dimensions also bring new challenges. Increasing the size of the rotor blades helps harness more wind but also puts tremendous loads on components such as main bearings or rotor blade bearings. Heavy loads also impact seals that hold lubricants in the main bearing and block dirt particles, settling water or rain from penetrating the machine’s interior mechanics.
Freudenberg Sealing Technologies has developed a special seal called "Seventomatic®" for particularly large shaft diameters and will be presenting it for the first time at its booth #531 in hall B6 at WindEnergy 2018. The new seal contains a meander spring instead of the previously used worm spring, which makes the seal less sensitive to strong movements and deflection of the main bearing. This spring reliably flexes over several millimeters, thus preventing unwanted leaks.

Freudenberg's sealing experts work closely with component and system manufacturers in the development of sealing systems. Several exhibits of customer-specific developments, on display at the booth, illustrate just how well this cooperation works. In addition to innovative product designs, the materials used are an important success factor in effective seals. Sealing materials from Freudenberg Sealing Technologies are optimized for the special requirements of wind power and withstand extreme climates, ozone, salty air and aggressive lubricants. In particular, the company’s Ventoguard family of high-performance materials are extraordinarily resistant and friction-optimized to function reliably and safely over a long life. Ventoguard products will be on display at the show.
The company will also present an extensive portfolio of proven sealing solutions for wind turbines, including for sealing blade and tower bearings, main bearings, hydraulic seals in pitch cylinders and oil seals for main gears. Radiamatic shaft seals, piston and rod seals, O-rings and Enviromatic ring seals will be on display.
Besides its sealing solutions, the company will also present a large number of accumulators for the wind industry. Freudenberg’s diaphragm, piston and bladder accumulators are used in rotor blade control and in the hydraulics of the systems. They operate at operating pressures of up to 350 bar and are certified for North and South America, Europe and China.
Because seals require lubricants that harmonizes perfectly with their surfaces, the company’s lubricant expert, Klüber Lubrication, will join Freudenberg Sealing Technologies at the Freudenberg booth to showcase its latest developments in specialty lubricants for the wind energy industry.
Freudenberg representatives will be available to answer questions at booth 531 in hall B6. More details about Freudenberg’s sealing solutions for renewable energy, energy transmission and distribution are available at here.
Ulrike Reich
Head of Media Relations & Internal Communications
Telephone: + 49 (0) 6201 960 5713
ulrike.reich@fst.com chevron_rightNews Service
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